January 1st arrived and we were immediately hit with the usual 'get off the sofa, go to the gym then pour yourself a cucumber juice' media frenzy. However, this time round their predictable post-festive fitness message came with a twist.
Harper's Baazar/Max Factor/Marie Claire
L-R Victoria Pendleton, Keri-Anne Payne, Jessica Ennis |
Whether picking up a newspaper, glossy mag or flicking through TV channels we're not only faced with the annual post-festive detox regime - as we enter Britain's Olympic year our favourite athletes have started popping up all over the shop. And we're not just talking about sports drinks ads... our top Olympic athletes are now endorsed by the world's fashion and beauty arenas.
It's an exciting time within an industry that's so often criticised for being shallow and noxious. Forget Hollywood actresses or reality TV rejects, there's a new breed of cover stars in town, who are tenfold more worthy of such accolades. And with Jessica Ennis, Victoria Pendleton and Keri-Anne Payne recently snapped up by beauty giants Proctor and Gamble (Jess to represent Olay, Victoria for Pantene's Sleek and Smooth Range and Keri-Anne for Max Factor Gold False Lash Effect), their advertising pulling power is set to bring them a long and worthy career way after they bring home the medals...
L-R: Jessica Ennis - Heptathlete; Victoria Pendleton - Cyclist; Keri-Anne Pane - Swimmer |
From sporting stars to fashion icons - here's a favourite, brief snapshot of some recent coverage these golden girls have been getting:
Jessica Ennis for UK Marie Claire |
Jessica Ennis for Marie Claire |
Jessica Ennis for UK Vogue |
Victoria Pendleton for Sunday Times Style Magazine |
Victoria Pendleton for London Evening Standard |
Victoria Pendleton for Harper's Bazaar |
Keri Anne Payne for Links of London |
Keri Anne Payne for Max Factor (shot by Rankin) |
Keri Anne Payne for Max Factor |
Beautiful, talented and strong, these sort of inspirational role models make you proud to be British... bring on London 2012!
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